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Give Your Portfolio a Caffeine Boost With PBJ ETF

energy drink ETF
In this episode of The Bull & The Bear, I look into an ETF that should soar in the coming years.


“No. It’s not good for you.”

“No. You can’t have it.”

That’s what my grandmother would tell me if I asked for something that wasn’t good for me when I was a kid.

As an adult, I brushed aside my grandmother’s truisms and did what everyone in their 20s and 30s does… whatever I wanted.

This may seem like an odd bridge to investments, but hear me out.

Many things aren’t “good for you.”

However, as a smart investor, you look past that.

You aren’t looking at the health values of a product … you’re looking for signs of future profitability that will drive the underlying stock’s value up.

It’s why people invest in tobacco, cannabis, alcohol and other “sin” stocks.

Well, I did some digging and, while it’s not a sin, I found an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that tracks the performance of certain products that may be unhealthy.

One Energy Drink ETF to Buy

I’m talking about energy drinks.

These caffeinated beverages are supposed to give you a boost of energy that can last for hours. From personal experience, I can tell you … they work.

Millions of others think so too.

The energy drink market is expected to grow to $86 billion worldwide by 2026, according to Allied Market Research.

Energy Drink Market to Grow 62% in 6 Years

I’ve found an ETF that tracks goods like energy drinks. It’s grown more than 43% in the last nine months.

In this episode of The Bull & The Bear, I tell you why it’s worth adding shares of this energy drink ETF to your portfolio for 2021.

Remember, knowing the data and the details about a specific stock or sector of the market helps you determine whether it is worth investing in.

That’s why we do the work for you and give you our analysis every week.

The Bull & The Bear

Led by Adam O’Dell and a team of finance journalists, traders and experts, Money & Markets gives you the information you need to protect your nest egg, grow your wealth and safeguard your financial well-being.

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Safe trading,

Matt Clark

Research Analyst, Money & Markets

Matt Clark is the research analyst for Money & Markets. He’s the host of our podcast, The Bull & The Bear, as well as the Marijuana Market Update. Before joining the team, he spent 25 years as an investigative journalist and editor — covering everything from politics to business.

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